This database contains approximately 285,000 marriage records from 58 selected parishes (counties) in Louisiana. Records begin as early as 1718 in St. Helens Parish. There are no records for any parishes for the years 1719-1727 and 1729-1733.
This database contains marriage records for selected years from 221 selected counties in five states: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee. There are approximately 369,000 records dating from as early as 1720 and continuing to the early 1900s.
This database contains marriage records for selected counties and years from 114 counties in Alabama and Georgia. County records were not used for South Carolina; instead, other sources containing marriage records were compiled.
This database contains marriage records for selected counties and years from 179 counties in three states: Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia. There is also one collection from the Maryland Historical Society (for Maryland), and from W.M.C. (for North Carolina).