December 8, 2013

Trace Your Roots with DNA: Using Genetic Tests to Explore Your Family Tree

You're introduced to a stranger who shares your last name. 
Don't you always wonder, "Could we be related?"

Thanks to breakthrough science in the rapidly growing world of genetics, it's now possible to find out. Trace Your Roots with DNA is the first comprehensive guide to this amazing new field. With genetic testing (don't worry—no needles, medical privacy is assured, and you don't have to dig up your dead relatives), you'll be able to knock down genealogical brick walls. The fascinating results can tell you:

- If you're related to someone with the same or similar last name
- Which region your African ancestors came from
- If that family rumor of adoption is ­really true
- Whether or not you ­really have a Native American ancestor—and more!
- Most important, you'll find out how the tests work, which ones to use, where to get them, and how to read your results. Join the future of genealogy, and learn to Trace Your Roots with DNA.

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