This database contains seventeen volumes of the series Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. The materials date from 1775 to 1782 and follow the military careers of Massachusetts soldiers and sailors and their commanding officers.
Compiled from resources found in the Massachusetts State Archives, this collection of records was prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. In 1891, the Secretary was directed by the General Court of Massachusetts to prepare and publish "An indexed compilation of the records of the Massachusetts soldiers and sailors who served in the army or navy during the Revolutionary War, as shown in the archives of in the office of the Secretary."
The compilation began with the creation of an index to all names found in the muster rolls, pay rolls, and other documents found in the Revolutionary War archives. Later, primary sources included military orders, regiment books, orderly books, and account books.
Althogether, you'll find approximately 410,000 soldiers, sailors, and commanders referenced within these seventeen volumes.
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