April 22, 2012
Jewish Surnames
Jewish surnames abound in the United States and other countries. Documented migrations began in the 1650's and continued into the 20th century. Immigrants came from Portugal, Spain, Germany, Russia and other countries in Eastern Europe. If you have a Jewish surname or are looking for an ancestor with a Jewish surname one of the best ways to find genealogical clues and connections is to meet and collaborate with others.
Online Collaboration
As most genealogists are very well aware, internet access, and the increased capacity of computer databases have allowed genealogists from around the world to 'jump start' their family searches. OneGreatFamily (one of the largest genealogical databases in the world) allows you to meet and collaborate with tens of thousands of OneGreatFamily members - many of whom may potentially have Jewish surnames, or be aware of Jewish surname history. OneGreatFamily also provides millions of additional names for you to search through. And every piece of new information that is contributed to their database is reviewed for names that may be related to your family genealogy project.
Online Databases and Genealogical Search Engines
In addition, OneGreatFamily's genealogical database offers you powerful database technology in combination with online software. These two products together, allow you to easily contribute and edit genealogical information whenever and wherever you like, and it also allows you to get results that are searched and sifted by OneGreatFamily.