April 16, 2016

Can’t Find the Grave? Alternative Locations for Burial Places for Your Ancestors

Looking for the graves of our ancestors is a basic part of genealogy. The headstones provide a tangible link between us and those who came before us. It is something… and often the only thing… that we can touch that is intimately associated with that ancestor. Standing on the ground over which their earthly remains lay is as close as we’ll ever get to the more ancient ancestors we never personally knew. Finding the grave puts a bookmark at the end of that particular ancestor’s story (and it’s up to you to fill in the details in the beginning and middle of that story through additional research). It also tells you a lot about where that ancestor lived and what his or her life might have been like in that place long ago.
But what if you can't find the grave? Not everyone has one that is easily located. Some may not have one at all, such as if they were buried at sea (or lost at sea) or were among the missing in a war (in which case, all you may know is that they are buried on the battlefield somewhere). Here are some of the most common reasons why you may not be able to easily find a grave, or find one at all, and what to do about it...