July 2, 2015

This Week’s Free Genealogy Lookups


Everton’s Computerized Family File, Volume 4, 1400s-present Family Pedigrees

These family group sheets provide information on approximately 389,000 individuals from all fifty United States and around the world (including Canada, England, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Prussia, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland).

Birth Record Index: United States/Europe, 900-1880

The records that were extracted include the Social Security Death Records Index, the Mortality Schedules. The Census index databases were not used as there was not birth information within the indexed record.

Everton’s Computerized “Roots” Cellar, 1640-1990 Family Queries

Family queries, such as those collected here, are useful because they help coordinate the efforts of family history researchers seeking information on the same family lines. Generally, when you find an ancestor in this data set you’ll learn their birth date and location, death date and location, and residence.

Egle’s Notes and Queries of Pennsylvania, 1700s-1800s

This database contains images of the pages of William Henry Egle’s Notes and Queries, regarded to be among the most important work on the genealogy, biography, and history of central Pennsylvania ever published.