February 1, 2012

Land Records: AL, AR, FL, LA, MI, MN, OH, WI, 1790-1907

This database contains approximately 1,645,000 records from the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The records are often the only available source offering the identification of legal land descriptions and transfer of property ownership from the U.S. Government to private land owners. They show who obtained what land from the Federal Government, and when it was obtained. Source documents include homesteads, cash sales, warrants, private land claims, swamp lists, state selections, and railroad lists.

Listings Include:
- Patentee's name and Soundex code.
- State.
- Accession number (directly relates a document image to the original hard copy document).
- Document number (used to order a copy of the original record from the BLM).
- Date the deed was signed Land office that handled the transaction.
- Aliquot part reference Section Number, Block, Township, Range, and Meridian/Survey Area.
- Number of acres.
- Act/Treaty authorizing sale.